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Navigating PERB: Confidentiality and Workplace Investigations

November 13, 2024

OIG attorney investigator Rachel Reddick will present “Navigating PERB: Confidentiality and Workplace Investigations,” at the California Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CALPELRA) 2024 Annual Conference in Monterey. The conference, which includes general sessions and approximately 80 concurrent sessions, will take place from November  12 -15.

Program Description

The Public Employment Relations Board has held that public employers cannot have a blanket rule requiring confidentiality in workplace investigations. But employers may still restrict discussions and communications regarding workplace investigations on a case-by-case basis. In this interactive session you’ll learn:

  • How to navigate PERB guidelines
  • How NLRB decisions compare with PERB guidance
  • How to analyze investigations in order to decide confidentiality directives
  • How to protect employee rights while maintaining the integrity of the workplace investigation

For more information, please visit the CALPELRA 2024 Annual Conference website.