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IAWBH Conference Session: Recent Trends in Investigating Workplace Bullying & Harassment Complaints

September 20 - 24, 2022

Several decades of research devoted to the study of workplace bullying and harassment has created deeper awareness and understanding of these phenomena. Despite these great strides there is still more work that remains to be done. The aim of this conference is to explore innovative ways to research and address workplace bullying and harassment. Bullying persists despite the collective efforts of researchers and practitioners to remediate it. This conference is designed to encourage us to think creatively about how new strategies might forge new ground in understanding and addressing bullying and harassment so that workplaces can be transformed across the globe.

OIG Partner Christina Ro-Connolly will present the afternoon breakout session “Recent Trends in Investigating Workplace Bullying & Harassment Complaints.”

Conference organizers expect more than 100 presentations, an estimated 180 attendees in-person, 100 attending virtually, and a keynote by Jenny Yang, former Commissioner of the EEOC and current Director of the OFCCP.

Conference dates: September 20-24, 2022

Location: Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, California

For more information or to register, please visit the conference website.