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CALPELRA Annual Conference 2022

November 14 - 18, 2022

As we have in past years, OIG will once again be an active participant in the California Public Employers Labor Relations Association (CALPELRA) Annual Conference, which will take place in Monterey, CA, November 14-18, 2022.

Partners Amy Oppenheimer, Vida Thomas and Christina Ro-Connolly will be presenting on two topics:

  • “Be Curious, not Judgmental: Lessons from Ted Lasso and Beyond”
  • “Recent Trends in Workplace Investigations”

In addition, the firm is a proud sponsor of the conference, which offers a wide variety of labor, human resources, and employment topics of interest to public sector professionals, including educational and skill-building presentations that discuss new and critical issues and that encourage audience interaction and participation, as well as personal/professional development issues.

Please, visit the association website through the summer for conference updates or to register.