On October 13, 2022, OIG partners Amy Oppenheimer and Vida Thomas will co present this breakout session during the Association of Workplace Investigators Annual Conference.
As Apple TV’s titular character of the show Ted Lasso said, “Be curious. Not judgmental.”
These four words cut to the heart of what it means to be a good investigator. They also say a lot about how to build an inclusive organizational culture. Might there be a relationship between the two? Can what makes us good investigators also help us understand how to build a better organization? Diversity is essential, but without inclusion, an employer will have a difficult time maintaining the diversity of its workforce.
This discussion will look at some lessons from Ted Lasso (think, building and maintaining an inclusive team) while looking at the meaning of inclusion and how it is related to what we do as investigators.
In addition, Oppenheimer Investigations Group is once again a proud sponsor of this annual event.
The Association of Workplace Investigators Annual Conference will take place at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront in Burlingame, Calif., October 13-14, 2022. For more information or to register, please visit the AWI Conference web page.