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Abusive Conduct/Bullying in the Workplace — What it is, What it Isn’t, and Why a Civil Workplace Matters

July 14 - 15, 2022

OIG Partner Christina Ro-Connolly will be co-presenting on this panel offered during the 38th Annual Conference of the California Lawyers Association Labor and Employment Section.

The panel of experts will discuss abusive conduct and bullying in the workplace. They will examine the applicable legal standards in this area, given shifting societal values regarding acceptable workplace conduct. How can employers create a civil workplace, which yields greater profit and reduced risk? How can worker advocates take advantage of the shifting tides and new laws to help employees, pursue novel legal claims, and continue to push for change? How do neutrals (arbitrators, mediators, workplace investigators) analyze evidence when weighed against issues of intersectionality, intent, and “reasonable person” standards?

For additional information or to register for the virtual conference taking place July 14-15, 2022, please visit the conference website.